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Lead Change with Culture and Positive Leadership
Introducing the

Lead Change with Culture and Positive Leadership eBook

Discover how to develop Positive Organizations where people and performance thrive...! Free video included.

How can I change the board's mind that culture is soft while it's impacting our results?
How do we realize a major organizational change without altering the core of the culture that is a key to our success?...
We need to become innovative and customer-oriented,
but in spite of many plans employees are not changing how they work - what to do?

These are actual questions we've received from subscribers and clients of OCAI online...

In fact, we see this line of questioning all the time.

Now let me ask you a question (or two)…

  • What if culture was helpful instead of hindering your bottom line, retention rates, and customer satisfaction?
  • What if change was successful after you engaged people in small teams?
  • What if positive leadership enticed employees to change crucial work habits - and they'd open up to customer needs and innovation?…

That would make organizational change more fun and more successful, right? (trust me the answer is YES...)

It also makes your organizational culture more engaging - and people more energized and empowered.

That's why I created the
Lead Change with Culture and Positive Leadership eBook

How can I change the board's mind that culture is soft?...

How do we realize a major organizational change without altering the core of the culture that is a key to our success?...

We need to become innovative and customer-oriented, but in spite of many plans employees are not changing how they work - what should we do?

This is the Culture Change Leadership process that I follow with client organizations - because I want to make a difference and not just make a living by sending invoices for advice on paper. Actual behavior change makes the difference for organizations.

You can make this process as thorough, long, and deep as you like. You can also keep it short and simple and start next Monday with changing your interactions in the team meeting.

After reading this eBook, you know what you're looking at and what you're doing. You "get" culture - the invisible hand that can help your organization change.

This is a great first read before deciding the best approach to the challenge of change for your (client's) organization.

This eBook also includes a bonus video about the development stages of organizational cultures...

…check it out…

…BEFORE you risk your precious time, money, and motivation on another failed project.

When you read this eBook, you'll know:

  • What Organizational Culture is and why it matters to your change project or next goal...
  • What culture looks like in several other organizations.
  • Why Organizational Change often fails - and how it succeeds...
  • The four basic ways of organizing and the Competing Values Framework.
  • How to quickly map culture using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument.

And most importantly, once you understand your current culture, you'll know:

  • To check the seventeen reasons why Organizational Change fails - to be prepared...
  • Four Strategies to Change - and which one you're going to use and how....
  • How to translate the 2D culture map into the 3D organizational terrain.
  • How to facilitate a journey of real change in Change Circles...
  • To benefit from Viral Change and to apply Positive Leadership.
  • To keep your focus on personal behaviors and support in the Change Circles
  • How you, yes you, make a difference once you embody the new behaviors and change your interactions with others...!

No need to be disappointed anymore about the 70% failure rate of change.

You can make an informed decision and start your project right. Or you decide to change "just" your own interactions to start spreading change and influencing culture in meetings.

Do not start a change program without reading this eBook - and checking your company culture!

Michael Wolf

In getting myself educated on the complex topic of Culture, one of the first books I read was “Organizational Culture Change” by Marcella Bremer. It was and still is one of the BEST pieces on this topic. Now she has just released a new eBook called “How to Lead Positive Change with Culture and Positive Leadership”.

During my 40 year “corporate career”, I experienced eight different corporate cultures, ranging from toxic to negative to empowering. I wish I had read Marcella’s book about 35 years ago – unfortunately about 30 years before she wrote it.

So, if you are an Executive (especially the C Suite) who is “not OK" with the way things are around here in your organization, invest the $7 and do something about it!

Michael Wolf
Principal Consultant CulturLogix

Do not start without watching the bonus video about the development stages of organizational cultures...

Seriously… don't do it.

Why risk more time and money, and moreover, motivation and expectations of all leaders and employees by designing change plans before checking the culture? It's effective to test the currents and water temperature before crossing those waters of change.

This eBook gives an insightful overview before you start and is an easy read with clear cases, anecdotes, and examples…

…The journaling questions help you reflect and gain new insights.

And price shouldn't be an issue because you can download the complete eBook "How to Lead Positive Change with Culture and Positive Leadership" for just $7 (VAT will be included if applicable).

Yes, Just $7

Literally, you can have one of those fancy coffees at Starbucks or:

You can become a life-saver at your company (or your client's) by being the one who knows how to facilitate the necessary change by working with culture - but also applying positive leadership that engages the others, too.

You'll save countless time, money, and headaches by making an informed decision before starting a change project or a new goal or strategy.

The choice is yours.

If you want to get started, click the "Add to Cart" button below to start working with culture and positive leadership to realize positive change....

... so you can avoid the 17 reasons of failure, and stop pushing while you engage the others to be the change you want to see on the team...

…then click the "Add To Cart" button right now.