Andrea Simon PhD is a corporate anthropologist who founded Simon Associates Management Consultants over a decade ago to bring the unique perspectives of anthropology to business and to not-for-profit organizations. SAMC works with companies or organizations that have stopped growing-- "stalled." SAMC assembles a team of specialists to help them "see, feel and think" differently. SAMC is often engaged to help a company better understand the changes taking place among their customers and potential customers. Often growth is right there in front of them and they cannot seem to see it. At times their culture has become part of their problem impeding growth instead of creating it.
A Blue Ocean Strategist as well as a trained facilitator in InnovationGames®, Dr. Simon's has developed a proprietary approach, a ChangeMap™ process that helps companies envision their destination and reignite their businesses to respond to changing times.
Dr. Simon speaks widely on change. She has conducted over 150 workshops for CEOs in Vistage International on "Change Matters: Finding that New Market Space" and on "Having Trouble Changing, Maybe it is Your Culture." Dr. Simon has won numerous awards for marketing and advertising initiatives. Dr. Simon is writing a book on how companies "Ignite Change." The book deals with her experiences helping companies reignite their growth potential.