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Culture Change & Leadership Days

Online video-conference workshops, next: October 13th, 2025

The workshop to lead Change and develop Culture

If you need to change or develop your organization while the culture keeps doing "the way we do things around here", then here’s the business case: If you don’t work with culture, it might work against you.

Develop an effective organizational culture to make your (client) organization more engaged, innovative, competitive, agile, collaborative, efficient, and productive. Many organizations need change in the current VUCA-world - that is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.

What’s the best organizational culture to face the world’s current ecological, social, and governance challenges? 

A future-fit culture provides the glue, the speed and trust, the shared identity, the narrative, the purpose, the core values and priorities, the key behaviors, and the openness to learn new skills in the VUCA-world. 

Do you want to learn more about organizational culture, change, and leadership? Do you want to help your clients or colleagues with developing a future-fit culture that delivers solutions and results?

Join this 3-day workshop and learn how to diagnose culture with the validated Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI - © 1999 Kim S. Cameron), developed by University of Michigan professors Kim Cameron & Robert Quinn. Next, we look at how to change culture with Change Circles or Interaction Interventions based on Positive Leadership.

Many organizational programs fail because they ignore the current culture or because they try to change the culture in a top-down way. Let's try a better approach to organizational change and development. Join this workshop and learn to include and engage others with positive leadership, and work with culture to make it more positive, productive, and future-fit.

Organizational Culture Change

Marcella Bremer leads this workshop, assisted by one of our partner consultants. The workshop is based on her books “Organizational Culture Change: Unleash your Organization’s Potential in Circles of 10" and "Develop a Positive Culture where People and Performance thrive."

Who should attend?

This workshop is for leaders of all levels, consultants, and other professionals. This workshop is a prerequisite for consultants who'd like to be listed as partners on the OCAI online website. Seasoned consultants can help juniors during the interactive parts so that we all benefit from the expertise in the room.

Note: we also offer this workshop in-company! Read more here.

Theory and topics

The central lectures cover the basic theory to ensure a shared understanding of culture, change, and positive leadership. In addition, you'll receive checklists and handouts during the workshop. It's not necessary to read Marcella's books in advance.

Organizational Culture:
What is culture?
What is a positive culture?
Culture Diagnosis with the OCAI
Culture types in the Competing Values Framework
Effective and ineffective sides of a culture

Positive Leadership:
What is positive leadership?
Social safety and dialogue
Interaction Interventions

Organizational Change:
Paradigms of organizational change
Guiding change with CVF and Change Circles
Meetings and Interventions
Culture, Leadership, and Change

In the lectures, we look at what culture is, and what exactly makes up a positive culture. We'll explore the Competing Values Framework, the OCAI (© 1999 Kim S. Cameron), and its four culture types. We make culture operational by not only looking at values but also at beliefs and especially; behaviors. There are effective and ineffective expressions of the four culture types.

We'll take a quick look at Positive Leadership (based on Positive Organizational Scholarship). We explore two paradigms of organizational change, resulting in different change approaches. We could use organization-wide Change Circles or quick and personal Interaction Interventions (and influence other "positive energizers" in the organization).

Change Circles are small and foster dialogue and safety (as opposed to debate or disengagement). People work on personal change as well as organizational/team culture and change. They work on culture from values to daily behaviors, agree on what to change, and how to do so. In addition to behavioral change, adjustments in structure, processes, or strategy might be developed for each team.

Interaction Interventions can be a fast start to develop a (more) positive culture by actively asking, listening, sharing, and responding. Meetings are hot-spots of culture, so changing some meeting practices could help to enhance the four elements of a positive culture.

Access to the online Positive Culture Academy is included! 


The interactive parts of the workshop help to reflect on and practice the tools and theory. Be prepared to answer reflection questions, to team up with others, to work on a case, and engage in "Triad Consulting". If you are a seasoned consultant who knows it all, you can contribute and engage with others during the practice parts.

The other participants might be able to support you after the workshop. For this reason, we'll also create a private Linkedin group to exchange questions and experiences online.

Participants are invited to submit a culture case in advance. Some cases can be discussed and developed during the workshop.

The work schedule for the online video-conference workshops:

Prepare at your own pace: Learn from the online Positive Culture Academy and the OCAI culture change leadership videos in advance.

Attend the live group video-calls via Zoom: On 3 consecutive Mondays we have group sessions between 1 and 6 PM CET (Europe/Africa). For other time zones that means: between 7 AM and 12 EST (America’s east coast) and between 7 PM and Midnight SGT (Asia). Please check if these times are feasible for you, depending on your location.

Summary of the workshop activities:

* Watch the video lectures BEFORE the live sessions. Your access to the online lectures will be sent 2 weeks in advance.
* Submit your culture case and think about what you want to learn in advance (submit the case 2 weeks in advance)
* Participate in the live sessions with case presentations, exercises, group discussions. The live sessions take place from 1 PM to 6 PM Central European time: we work for one hour, then a long break to stay fresh, then another hour of work, etc. 
* Join our private Linkedin group and connect with colleagues

Learning Outcomes

This international workshop is an excellent opportunity to:

  • learn (more) about organizational culture, what positive cultures entail, and how interactions matter to the culture
  • learn to work with the validated Competing Values Framework and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument
  • reflect on organizational change and how you could create a positive movement
  • learn to guide Change Circles and engage people with Positive Leadership and interaction interventions
  • connect with fellow consultants, Organization Development practitioners, leaders, and HR-professionals
  • exchange insights, tips, and learn from different cultures and cases
  • submit your case and develop it by learning what others would do
  • practice Positive Leadership (for yourself and others)

Register today for the online workshop!

Join this inspirational program and learn how to utilize the OCAI and guide Change circles!

Click the Add to Cart button to enroll for the live sessions on October 13th, 20th and 27th, 2025. The current price is 1099 USD or 1029 Euro.

Workshops scheduled for 2026 will follow soon (registration is not open yet).

October 13th, 20th and 27th, 2025.
Location: ONLINE

The fee includes all videos, live group sessions with case discussions and consulting, and handouts (PDF documents).

The current fee for the online workshop is 1099 USD / 1029 EUR (excluding VAT).

As there is pre-work required to prepare for the live sessions, enrollment is possible until 2 weeks before the start if there are spots left. After that date you can enroll for the next workshop.

Our advice is to enroll as soon as you can to guarantee your spot.

Please invite Marcella Bremer on LinkedIn so we can also communicate there. Too often emails end up in junk folders and we can't reach you with your access details to the private workshop group and the online curriculum.

Cancellation Policy
Cancellation is not possible as we count on you. We work with a small group to ensure as much quality and diversity as possible. If it is necessary to cancel, you can ask someone else to attend in your place.

Who is Marcella Bremer?

Marcella is an author, and culture & change consultant. She has an MScBA degree from Rotterdam School of Management. She published two books about Culture, Change & Positive Leadership.

With Marcel Lamers, she founded the online Positive Culture Academy, and OCAI online that offers the validated Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI - © 1999 Kim S. Cameron) to organizations all over the world. 

What do participants say about this workshop?

Claude Emond, management consultant, Canada

“This is a transformative workshop equipping you to exert the leadership qualities that are now required. A gift to humanity.”

Karen Miller, executive Middlebury University, USA.

“An organization survives through its people. So, understanding culture is essential for all leaders. This workshop gets you there.”

Jordi Jubells, technical engineer, Spain

“Totally recommended. Great balance between practice and knowledge.”

Colleen Leclercq, management consultant, South-Africa

“This workshop is a fabulous way to immerse yourself in culture, change, and positive leadership. I found collective wisdom by engaging with others and inspiration to take this work into the world.”

Charlotte Goudreault, Coach in Agile Project Team Management, Canada

“An enlightening experience with a great group aligned through profound shared values.”

Michael Noble, medical laboratory consultant, Canada.

“A valuable use of my time: a very powerful workshop.”

Jelle Siaens, lead auditor, Belgium.

“High added value due to the presence of lots of practical experience and theoretical knowledge.”

Robyn Calvert, executive coach, South-Africa

“Great think tank and pooling of the innovative ways to move forward.”

Jenny Hoffman, management consultant, Australia

“A refreshing opportunity to learn about and experience positive change and leadership, reinforcing the power of each one of us to contribute to the greater good.”

Cees van ’t Wout, interim manager, Netherlands

“Interactive, with the right pace and amount of theory.”

Jo Fraser, OD consultant, Australia

“This workshop brings together a wealth of experienced professionals from all over the world, so we all learn from each other. The workshop provided valuable learnings, and it will help immensely in my consulting business.”

Anjali Fox, executive consultant, USA.

“Fun, engaging, inspiring.”

Consultant certification and OCAI partnership
The Culture Change & Leadership Workshop is a certification course for consultants that want to be listed on the OCAI Online website. We can refer prospects to consultants that have attended this workshop.

Register for the Workshop!
Learn to practice this culture-based, positive approach to organizational change. Join this workshop with fellow professionals today. Don't miss out and secure your spot now.