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Organizational Culture Change - Boek

Organizational Culture Change

Waarom kost organisatieverandering zoveel tijd, geld, inspanning en frustratie? Het gaat meestal mis door een te abstracte en grootschalige aanpak gericht op systemen en structuren.

"Echte" verandering vereist dat managers en werknemers hun dagelijks gedrag veranderen. Duurzame verandering heeft alles te maken met cultuur: "de vanzelfsprekende manier waarop we de dingen hier doen".

We gebruiken het gevalideerde Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (© 1999 Kim S. Cameron) als startpunt, waarna we in kleine groepen workshops doen om samen te komen tot concrete, verandering. Mensen nemen zelf eigenaarschap voor gedrag, resultaten en verandering.

Iedereen die cultuur vaag vindt, zou dit boek moeten lezen. Het wordt concreet en raakt de resultaten van de organisatie. Dit boek is pragmatisch, niet academisch en zit vol cases en "lessons learned".

Bén je de verandering in plaats van er alleen maar over te praten? Wat zijn de zeven succesvoorwaarden? Wat scoor jij op de vier archetypen van cultuur? Als het erop aankomt, kies je dan voor mens- of resultaatgericht, voor vernieuwing of vasthouden..? Welk gedrag hoort er bij jullie cultuur? Waar kom je mee weg? Welke cultuur helpt ons de toekomst door? Wat gaan we dan concreet anders doen? Hoe komen we daar met zijn allen? Een fascinerende puzzel die je met je hele organisatie oplost! Bestel je boek vandaag nog bij Managementboek!

Complimenten voor Organizational Culture Change:

"This is an excellent book with an unusual achievement: solid foundations and logic together with practical implications, all in one. The book is packed with ideas and 'applications' and in every page, there is something not just to read but to reflect and imagine 'the translation' in a particular organizational challenge. Many people interested in the 'growing industry' of Employee Engagement will find the book very useful and hopefully will conclude the need to switch to a bottom-up, grassroots, small groups, activism model as we orchestrate in our Viral Change programs. Excellent piece of work!"
Review by Leandro Herrero, CEO of The Chalfont Project Ltd, and Viral Change Global L.L.P

"In getting myself educated on the complex topic of Culture, one of the first books I read was “Organizational Culture Change” by Marcella Bremer. It was and still is one of the BEST pieces on this topic. I strongly recommend this book to anyone (and especially the C Suite) astute enough to know that “something has to change around here”. During my 40 year “corporate career”, I experienced eight different corporate cultures, ranging from toxic to negative to empowering. I wish I had read Marcella’s book about 35 years ago – unfortunately about 30 years before she wrote it."
Michael Wolf, Principal Consultant CulturLogix

"Culture change has always been a topic like psychology - people know of it and respect it, but often feel it's too risky to fix themselves. With this new book, Bremer gives us a practical guide, like a cook book, for successfully creating the exact culture an organization needs to be as successful as it can be. I highly recommend this book!"
Jeffrey Levy , President Janusian Insights

"Marcella's book has captured the true essence of managing and driving sustainable culture change for all areas of a company's life cycle. It's insightful and written in a way that practioner's can understand and apply. And since it's theoretical framework has credibility and validity, one doesn't need to wonder if it will work. Thanks for the great read Marcella!"
Jill Hagist MBA, Management consultant Pivotal Resources Group and Adjunct Faculty, University of Phoenix

"An easy to read, pragmatic book with best practices, business cases and an interesting overview of culture profiles from industry groups all over the world from the OCAI online database. This book focuses on the power of human behaviors in the workplace - a viewpoint that goes easily unnoticed in our (too) busy days at work. Even when you’re not a change consultant or manager, it may help gain awareness to notice the behaviors that make the difference. In my opinion this book can be used for many fields of work, including health care."
Jacob J. Ennema, M.D., Ph.D., Ennema Medical Consultancy

"Organizational culture Change" is a highly readable book on culture change within organizations. It provides a pragmatic structure with which managers and consultants can start from scratch. The book is well illustrated with case examples and a fascinating topic on the 21st century workplace. Written from the heart, it should be read by any professional in organizational culture and change management."
Frank Vogt, MBA Msc.