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Case Studies

The covid-pandemic has opened people up. This time is an opportunity to spread positivity - says Mary Meston, VP of Talent Management in this interview. The Positive Culture Academy has inspired her.

Why and when does culture matter most? One of the answers to this question is: in case of mergers and acquisitions. Here's the case of one of my clients. Because they wish to remain anonymous we'll call them ET.

Picture a large municipality in the Netherlands with 7,000 staff.

Kanna Krishnan is a "positive agent" and holds a senior position in Human Resources. He is tasked with developing a progressive culture for BTC.

What is more rewarding for you? Doing things the right way, or doing the right things? Of course, both can be rewarding. It's great when my bookkeeper confirms I submitted my tax forms correctly.

Companies who consider the OCAI to change their culture often ask me for success rates.

Guest post by Sarah Skidmore

Guest post by Marc T. Frankel and Judith Schechtman

Organizational Culture Case: this machine company is changing from tight control to more autonomy and agility.