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Why and when does culture matter most? One of the answers to this question is: in case of mergers and acquisitions. Here's the case of one of my clients. Because they wish to remain anonymous we'll call them ET.

Picture a large municipality in the Netherlands with 7,000 staff.

I'd like to share these 16 quotes from my Positive Culture book as a mini-course!

Seventeen consultants and leaders from four continents spent three days together in a countryside venue on a riverbank. The May 2018 Culture Change Leadership Workshop was intense.

What is more rewarding for you? Doing things the right way, or doing the right things? Of course, both can be rewarding. It's great when my bookkeeper confirms I submitted my tax forms correctly.

Culture is everywhere where people get together. You don't need to be a co-worker: sometimes you even have a better vantage point as a visitor or a client.

The OCAI culture survey asks people to rate both their current culture and what they desire for the future. What do you think? What would your ideal organizational culture look like?

Paper or Palpable Change

25 January 2018

Many organizations are struggling to adjust to our current "VUCA" world. VUCA is abbreviated for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.

Let's look ahead and develop more positive organizational cultures in 2018. But let's also briefly look back, reflect and learn.

Here’s part 2 of answering this question: “Our company grew from 100 employees to over 600 in the last three years. How could we keep the core values consistent and in front of everyone?”