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Organizational culture

What’s your expected positive impact? If you want to improve organizational culture or your organization’s ESG impact, five questions help to determine what to do and what not to do.

Is a positive organizational culture “woke”? Aren’t wokeness and #ESG inherently good? It depends. Wokeness should not lead to fake correctness or a cancel culture.

Organizational culture brings risks and opportunities and a validated culture assessment offers important insights, both for investors and leaders. Is the organization future-fit in this VUCA-world?

ESG isn’t a legal reporting obligation, but an opportunity.

You can create positive change at work: Even if you're not leading the organization, you’re still a leader while keeping the organization humming in a positive, productive, and healthy manner.

Net Positive organizations give more than they take: Is the world better off because your business is in it?

Does your organization care for the climate? Listen to Jane Goodall and others on the Realizing a Compassionate Planet conference.

Positive leaders can engage the transformative potential of climate change for their people and organizations. A positive organizational culture contributes to solutions.

Love is the next leadership skill, says Robin Anselmi. Love makes us smarter together. In a business context, love means an authentic connection, compassion, and forgiveness.

Positive Change with appreciative questions. Ronald Fry, appreciative inquiry developer, says that everything happens through conversation.